
Apps for teaching and learning

Magnetpendel - Simulation of a pendulum with iron sphere above a plane with magnets


This program simulates the movement of a magnetic pendulum above a plane with magnets. This experiment is a prototype of simple physical systems that can show chaotic behavior.

The program calculates both the pendulum movement (trajectory) and the basins of the initial values, which result in a fractal pattern for certain parameter settings. Thus, the connection between chaos and fractals can be seen very clearly here. Multiple parameters can be adjusted freely, making it easy to perform different types of analysis


— Download the (German) Version 1.2 —

Click on the logo of your OS to download the appropiate version.


OSX / macOS

Minimal system requirements

Windows Vista with Java 8 

Kompatibel mit OS X 10.5 - 10.13 with Oracle-Java 8 (we are working on a new version for newer OS)

Linux with Java 8

  1. Extract the zip file “Magnetpendel_Win.zip” from your download location.
  2. Start the program “Magnetpendell.exe”.
  1. If not done automatically by the browser, extract the zip file “Magnetpendel_Mac.zip” from your download location
  2. Start the program “Magnetpendel”.
  1. Open and extract the zip file “Magnetpendel_Jar.zip” from your download location.
  2. Switch to the unzipped folder in the command line and start the program with the command “java -jar Magnetpendel.jar”

Java Download

We recommend the Java implementation of AdoptOpenJDK or AMAZON, which are available for all PC platforms.

These implementations are free for all customers..
